DSI Holdings Ltd
DSI Holdings Limited takes its social responsibilities very seriously. Our commitment to the betterment of our society goes beyond business. With this in mind, in 1992, we launched an impressive program named "Sithuvili" Sri Lanka ("thoughts"), an all island art competition now rated as the most prestigious art competition in the island.
This competition provides an opportunity to children in all parts of Sri Lanka from privileged backgrounds to under privileged to express their thoughts, impressions, views and concepts through the medium of drawing & painting. To encourage wide participation entries are accepted in any medium. For example: pencil, color pencil, crayon, water colors, charcoal etc.
The winners are recognized at a grand awards presentation and cultural pageant attended by the most eminent businessmen, intellectuals and artists in the country. The best part of the awards presentation is that the not only the winners get rewarded, but also the schools of the winners where a cash prize is awarded for school developments projects.